Thursday, November 22, 2012



A nation conceived in Liberty cannot long endure without Heroes.

Each generation of Americans needs true grit, honor, respect and leadership with a capital " L. "
The highest honor to any Military Officer is the respect and praise of the Officers and Men he Commands and who serve under that leader.
General Petraeus will always have that in perpetuity.
There is little more in our world more certain than that fact.
All military members know this and seek to emulate those of impeccable character who are appointed over them.

On November 9 and 16, 2012 an American Legend had to face a most difficult personal challenge of his career.

Current administrators seem to like to have things done on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Especially late in the evenings.
So did the perpetrators of the Pearl Harbor attack of 12-7-1941.
That is the prevailing definition of governmental transparency.
That is too political for this article.
We will leave it to the reader to judge whether that is true transparency.
We as mere observers cannot judge and can never hope appreciate the incredible varied dynamic forces which came together to produce a storm of such huge magnitude as to mandate only one decision by the target of those forces.

You cannot make a correct decision in these circumstances without training, diligence, personal dedication and the experience of a career dominated by discipline, hardship, sacrifice, high achievement, honor and success.

This is the Legacy of two paramount factors.
The first is the Code of the Corps of Cadets at our nations US Military Academy at West Point, New York.
The second is the Oath of Office taken by each and every Commissioned Officer of the United States of America under auspices of Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.
This is not the end of this article.
The end of this article cannot be written at this time.
We cannot appreciate or judge the effect of these circumstances.
We take the facts as we understand them as mere observers.
We do not know how they will end.

We know only THIS WE’LL DEFEND.